Friday, January 29, 2010

LotusScript FullTrim function does not remove new line characters

Add the DoTrim function (included below) to your LotusScript code. Then, rather than calling the Fulltrim function, call the DoTrim function.

    Function DoTrim(txt As String) As String
    Dim strReturn As String
    txt = Fulltrim(txt)
    strReturn = ""
    For cntr = 1 To Len(txt)
    t = Mid$(txt, cntr, 1)
    If (Asc(t) <> 13) And (Asc(t) <> 10) Then '13=>CR, 11=>LF
    strReturn = strReturn + t
    End If
    Dotrim = strReturn
    End Function


Generating a CSR with Java keytool , deploying the certificates in keystore and configuring the same in the tomEE server.

  Deploying security certificates is a three-step process in general 1. CSR Generation 2. Importing the certificatates into the keystore 3. ...