A good link from youtube
This is the place where I used to keep the most interesting and challenging things that I have faced, fixed and learned in tooles like Pega, Qlik Sense, Power BI , Notes Development/, Cordys BPM, Java, SOA, SQl Server/Oralce activitesssssssssss.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
XPages Development Resources That You Will Find Helpful - Provided by Bruce Elgort
XPages Resources
The XPages Blog – http://xpagesblog.com
The OpenNTF XPages Site – http://xpages.info
OpenNTF – http://www.openntf.org
IQJam Question and Answer Site for XPages - http://iqjam.net/iqjam/iqjam.nsf/home.xsp?iqspace=Domino+Development%7EXPages
XPages101 Video Training – http://xpages101.net
The YouAtNotes XPages Wiki – http://xpageswiki.com
developerWorks - Developing XPages Web Applications - http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/xpViewCategories.xsp?lookupName=Developing%20XPages%20Web%20applications
NotesIn9 Screencast – http://notesin9.com
XPages.TV - http://xpages.tv
Mastering XPages Book - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0132486318/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_684Rmb1GPTS67
PDF Version of Redbooks Wiki Building Web Applications with Domino 8.5 - http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/PDF_Version_of_Redbooks_Wiki_Building_Web_Applications_with_Domino_8.5
The Taking Notes Podcast – http://takingnotespodcast.com
IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 Forum - http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd85forum.nsf/Dateallthreadedweb?OpenView
The OpenNTF Blog - http://www.openntf.org/blogs/openntf.nsf/FullArchive?openview
Matt White’s Blog – http://mattwhite.me
John Mackey’s Blog - http://www.jmackey.net/
Declan Lynch’s Blog – http://qtzar.com
The OpenNTF XPages Site – http://xpages.info
OpenNTF – http://www.openntf.org
IQJam Question and Answer Site for XPages - http://iqjam.net/iqjam/iqjam.
XPages101 Video Training – http://xpages101.net
The YouAtNotes XPages Wiki – http://xpageswiki.com
developerWorks - Developing XPages Web Applications - http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/
NotesIn9 Screencast – http://notesin9.com
XPages.TV - http://xpages.tv
Mastering XPages Book - http://www.amazon.com/gp/
PDF Version of Redbooks Wiki Building Web Applications with Domino 8.5 - http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/
The Taking Notes Podcast – http://takingnotespodcast.com
IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 Forum - http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/
The OpenNTF Blog - http://www.openntf.org/blogs/
Matt White’s Blog – http://mattwhite.me
John Mackey’s Blog - http://www.jmackey.net/
Declan Lynch’s Blog – http://qtzar.com
Monday, April 26, 2010
Administration preferences window is not visible in 8.5.1 Admintration client.
I am suppouse to do some changes in the Administration Preferences settings dialog box which is avaliable in the File->Preferences->Administration Prefences of the Adminstration Client.
I opened my Adminstration Client and navigated to the File->Preferences-> tab then I noticed Administration Preferences options is missing from my Adminstration Client.
Several menu options that are available in Lotus Notes® 7.x and 6.x appear to be missing in Lotus Notes 8 client.
All the missing options from 8 which they were in earlier versions comes under the "Advanced options".
All this optins are intentionally hidden from Notes Client and Administration Client because where typical end users might not have a need for them.
To enable the Advanced menus in the Notes 8 client and Admintration client
select View > Advanced Menus. The advanced menus will always be enabled (unless you disable them by toggling off the View > Advanced Menus choice) even after you have closed and restarted Notes.
- Narasimha Reddy , Lomadi
Thursday, March 11, 2010
An alternate tool for selecting specific category documents in a view
Recently I had a requirement form a user where he needs to select a specific set of category documents and export the same into a text file where he can't do the same with Ctrl + A which selects all the documents in the view. The challenge here is the view itself consists of thousands of documents in each category. For selecting all the documents in a specific category he has to spend considerable amount of time. Basically it is time consuming operation for him.
In the lotus notes I couldn't find a short cut key for selecting a specific set of category documents. For this I developed a small tool where by using this we can filter all the documents except that specific ones. So now the view shows only the required set of category documents, now these documents can only be selected by using Ctrl + A.
To do this basically i put a action button in the view by clicking on this it populates all the category values in a dialog box, where the user can select the desired category. By doing this now the view only shows the selected category documents.
Once the selection is made from the dialog box now the view displays on the documents specific to that category as shown in the below picture
The code behind the action button :
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim UiView As NotesUIView
Dim vw As NotesView
Set UiView = ws.CurrentView
Set vw = UiView.View
'Get Handle to the current View and return the all the unuque values in the first column
Dim Values
Values=Evaluate({@unique(@DbColumn ( "" : "" ;"":"" ; "ClientsInMac" ; 1))})
Redim valueArray(Ubound(Values)+1) As String
Dim i As Integer
Forall x In values
End Forall
valueArray(i)="Return to normal view"
Dim selectedValue As Variant
selectedValue = ws.Prompt (PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO, "Category Selection","Select a Category", Values(0), Values)
If Isempty (selectedValue) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim formula As String
formula={SELECT form = "ACISClientEntry" & aaaHasMacEntry=-1}
If selectedValue="Return to normal view" Then
Call ws.ViewRebuild
Exit Sub
End If
formula=vw.SelectionFormula+ { & @TimeToTextInZone(@Date(@Modified);S0) = "} +selectedValue + {"}
'Chane the selection formula of the view dynamically based on the current selection.
Call ws.ViewRebuild
End Sub
Friday, February 5, 2010
Running the Java agent repeatedly with too many .class files attached causes the Domino server to crash
I am Calling one Java agent though the Lotus Script code in a loop. The Java agent does the following things :
It uses the .class files which are generated through Apache Axis frame work ( http://ws.apache.org/axis/ ) , based on this it will performs some web service consuming actions.
The problem that I faced is after calling this Jave agent around 200+ more times it throws up with a outofMemory exception and finally ends up with crashing up the server.
Error Description :
Agent error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
JVM: Creation of the lotus/domino/AgentLoader object failed.
Workaround :
Detach all the supporting .class files from the agent and put them in a jar file and place that jar file in the jvm/lib/ext folder. ( No more referring to the .class files in the agent under the project section every thing will be in the jar file and this needs to be placed in the ext folder)
After doing this
Now we are able to run the agent as required number of times with out crashing the server.
From the above series of events and tests this clearly states that is a serious bug.
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# ICOR66LLY4
Possible Causes :
If the number of .class files that are directely attached to the agent are more then that can definitely lead to an out of memory exception in certain cases. When ever the java agent runs it tries to detach all the .class files into a temporary location from there it refers them this ends up with a outOfMemoryException and causes the server to crash.
- Narasimha Reddy, Lomadi
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Xpages - Data palette issue
When I try to bind an existing form as a data source in the xpage, almost none of the existing forms will display their list of fields in the data palette.
The execution environment is my laptop configured with the domino 8.5 and the client side is Notes 8.5.1 running on Windows xp professional
I am using a copy of the names database.
I have removed all the alias names (Contact | Company | Person) of the form . I kept to single name as "Person". Then I populated the data in the Xpage, By doing this amazing my data pallette is populated with all the form fields. Now I am able to wrap the fields into the Xpage. ( This I have done in 8.5 server and 8.5.1 client ).
Possible causes :
The happens due to because of conflicting of the form names or aliases with other form names or aliases in the database .
- Narasimha Reddy , Lomadi
Friday, January 29, 2010
LotusScript FullTrim function does not remove new line characters
Add the DoTrim function (included below) to your LotusScript code. Then, rather than calling the Fulltrim function, call the DoTrim function.
- Function DoTrim(txt As String) As String
Dim strReturn As String
txt = Fulltrim(txt)
strReturn = ""
For cntr = 1 To Len(txt)
t = Mid$(txt, cntr, 1)
If (Asc(t) <> 13) And (Asc(t) <> 10) Then '13=>CR, 11=>LF
strReturn = strReturn + t
End If
Dotrim = strReturn
End Function
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