Thursday, March 11, 2010

An alternate tool for selecting specific category documents in a view

Recently I had a requirement form a user where he needs to select a specific set of category documents and export the same into a text file where he can't do the same with Ctrl + A which selects all the documents in the view. The challenge here is the view itself consists of thousands of documents in each category. For selecting all the documents in a specific category he has to spend considerable amount of time. Basically it is time consuming operation for him.

In the lotus notes I couldn't find a short cut key for selecting a specific set of category documents. For this I developed a small tool where by using this we can filter all the documents except that specific ones. So now the view shows only the required set of category documents, now these documents can only be selected by using Ctrl + A.

To do this basically i put a action button in the view by clicking on this it populates all the category values in a dialog box, where the user can select the desired category. By doing this now the view only shows the selected category documents.

Once the selection is made from the dialog box now the view displays on the documents specific to that category as shown in the below picture

The code behind the action button :

Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim UiView As NotesUIView
Dim vw As NotesView
Set UiView = ws.CurrentView
Set vw = UiView.View
'Get Handle to the current View and return the all the unuque values in the first column
Dim Values
Values=Evaluate({@unique(@DbColumn ( "" : "" ;"":"" ; "ClientsInMac" ; 1))})
Redim valueArray(Ubound(Values)+1) As String
Dim i As Integer

Forall x In values
End Forall

valueArray(i)="Return to normal view"
Dim selectedValue As Variant
selectedValue = ws.Prompt (PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO, "Category Selection","Select a Category", Values(0), Values)
If Isempty (selectedValue) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim formula As String
formula={SELECT form = "ACISClientEntry" & aaaHasMacEntry=-1}
If selectedValue="Return to normal view" Then
Call ws.ViewRebuild
Exit Sub
End If
formula=vw.SelectionFormula+ { & @TimeToTextInZone(@Date(@Modified);S0) = "} +selectedValue + {"}
'Chane the selection formula of the view dynamically based on the current selection.
Call ws.ViewRebuild
End Sub

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